GDF 187

by Apr 9, 2020GDF2 comments

Five 4-Minute Rounds:
10 Burpees Over Bar
15 Hang Power Cleans
20 Air Squats
-Rest Remaining Time-

Try to stay consistent. Use as heavy as you’d like on the power cleans, but something you can ideally cycle in 1 or max 2 sets. Scale to dumbbells or whatever you have.


  1. Erik

    Completed Rx – used 24kg kettle bells for double cleans.
    1. 2:04
    2. 2:04
    3. 2:04
    4. 2:12
    5. 2:15

    Wife completed. Subbed pushups for hang cleans
    1. 2:10
    2. 2:23
    3. 2:36
    4. 2:45
    5. 2:49

    Thank you for the workout.

    • garagedadfitness

      Good job, looks like you stayed consistent!

Venice Beach, CA