GDF 33

by Feb 24, 2019GDF

10-9-8…1 Dumbbell Thrusters
1-2-3…10 Burpee Pullups
5 Rounds Max Distance Farmer Carry

Each round is to have the corresponding number of Thrusters and Burpee Pullups (ie 10 Thruster/1 BPU, 9 Thruster/2BPU) until all rounds completed. Can be scaled up to barbell thrusters if desired. Find a weight that can be done ideally unbroken, or in 2 sets max. Burpee Pullups can be made as challenging as possible, or scaled to burpees/burpee with a ring row.

The Farmer Carry is meant to be unbroken. Hold on as long as possible, and rest 60-90 seconds between Rounds. Measure off a set distance to use as a reference.


Venice Beach, CA